The reason I chose the covers bellow was because I really did not know what I was doing at the time when I created the coves. At the time I just wanted the book to be publish and I did not see any nice covers so I just choose these to plain covers.
The next cover bellow is the e-book cover for the amazon version of The poetry though the years. When I chose this book was the the cove looked like a wave from the ocean. The over just caught my eye and looked interesting to me.
The next covers bellow are the paper copy covers for both books. For the poetry though the years paper copy with the stars made me feel nothing was impossible. That the sky is not the limit. That I have accomplish something really big! The Collection of short stories's cover has a more space techie feel to it and I chose it because I felt that it fit some of the stories and looked interesting too.
The last two covers are the new e-book covers compared to the first two I talked about. These two book covers are a lot better then the first two and that is why I put more thought into picking these covers. These new e-book covers I believe grabbed my attention. For example, the first one on the left caught my attention by the colors and it also almost looks like Saturn with what looks like crater or originally i thought it could be a marble. The second one seem line sunlight hitting the ocean to me and it spoke to me in some way I am unsure how.
What do you think of the covers? Leave you comments bellow!
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