Monday, June 29, 2015

Update on Book Covers!

My poetry through the years ebook cover1 my collection of short stories ebook cover1my peotry through the years kindle cover  these two covers on the above are the e-book covers for nook,ibook, amazon, and kobo.

Below are the soon be released new covers for nook, ibook, amazon for the second one and kobo.

My poetry through the years ebook cover my collection of short stories ebook cover

my poertry through the years paperback  my collection of short stories paperback cover

These are the paper copy covers the first one on the left is available to buy on amazon. The second one is only available on

Hope this helps you find my books!

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Happy reading


  1. Would love to hear the back story of how you chose the art/photos/design for these covers. Perhaps you can tell us in a future blog post?


    From: The Life of a Self-Published Writer [] Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 11:27 AM To: Subject: [New post] Update on Book Covers!

    kaitlynfranzone posted: " these two covers on the above are the e-book covers for nook,ibook, amazon, and kobo. Below are the soon be released new covers for nook, ibook, amazon for the second one and kobo. These are the paper copy covers the first one on the l"

  2. Thank you for the idea. I will totally do it for a future post.
