Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Hi, Everyone!
Just want to give everyone an update on what is going on. As you all should know, from my last few post, I have changed domain names and become self-hosted.
This post is coming from my new site. Therefore, I will be closing down my other site in a few days. I have transferred all the post, comment, pictures, and all of you over to this site. So you will still receive emails about my post. Also, I have added an email newsletter. This newsletter is different from just following this blog. The newsletter allows you to get an inside look at my books. Where you will get a first glimpse into my books and for signing up you will get an extended sneak peek into my newest book, My Poetry Through the Years: Book 2. Also, you will be notified about sales and giveaways with my books. So please sign up and I will send you the free extended sneak peek.
I am so excited to have expanded my site and can not wait for what is coming. I will continue to improve and change this site as we go on. If you have suggestions on anything you would like to see or change on my site email me @ kaitlynfranzonewriter@gmail.com
Thanks for all of your support!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Monday Poetry: Exposition
All around the world
People come
to see
Art, crafts,
favourite actors or actresses
From art
People come all over the world
to see new things
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Blogging 201 Day 9: Buddy System
Thanks, everyone!
[polldaddy poll=9094435]
Monday, September 21, 2015
What I do when I am not Writing?
- I am at school in one of four of my classes. Or I could be in the library doing my homework.
- I could be working. As may of you know I started my first job last Friday and I am happy to say it is going great!
- I could be knitting or crocheting though I have not done that in a while.
- I could be cozy on my couch and watch my favorite TV show Doctor Who. Which season 9 just started this last Saturday.
These are the things I may be doing when I am not writing.
What about you? What do you do when you are not reading my post?
Happy reading!
Monday Poetry: Reflections
What are you
When you sit by yourself?
What are you reliving?
Dreaming of?
What makes you reflect?
Seeing a old friend
after many years?
See a picture of a
love one
who has left?
What do you reflect on?
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Two Days Left!
Also, Tomorrow my second poetry book will be available to purchase!!!
Please check them out and do not forget My collection of short stories!
Check out my books here!
I also want to thank those who answered my call to write a book review for me.
Those reviews will really help me!
Thank you all for supporting me!
I hope to write soon!
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Help with book reviews
I would like to ask if anyone would be willing to write book reviews on my three books.
- My Poetry Through the Years
- My Collection of Short Stories
- My Poetry Through the Years: Book 2
I need reviews on my books. So if you are interested email me @
Let me which book if you want: one, two or all three and if you want a kindle or other version. Other meaning, Nook, IBook, or kobo. Then I will send you that version of the book for FREE in exchange for the positive honest review. This file will allow you to read the book on any platform: Kindle, IBook, Nook, and Kobo app or e-reader.
This will help me a lot!
Happy reading!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Let's celebrate!

Great news everyone! I have reached 100 followers!
To celebrate I would like to remind everyone that my first poetry book is FREE on Kindle!
Click for your FREE book!
Please enjoy to book and write a review on Amazon when you can!
I would also like to thank everyone for following me and supporting me.
YOU are what makes me come every day and blog!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Monday Poetry: Driving
Many drive
For hours on end
To work,
We like it?
Have no choice?
There are many reasons
What are your's?
writing 101, Day 5: Let social media inspire you!
I find it hard for me to write an essay or a research paper. But, when it come to poetry and stories... it just comes to me. Though, I may need improvement on my grammar and things but, I enjoy it more! Just as much as being around all the young kids. That is why I have been fighting in my head should I really be going to school to become a teacher or should I really try to do more writing. The plan was that I go to school for teaching and get a secured job. Then I do the writing on the side until I HAVE to quit teaching and become a full-time writer. But, see the thing is I never planned on publishing just before graduation. I never thought I would blog. This seemed to get off the topic of the tweet... that is ok, right?
Comment bellow what you would like to see me do.
Happy reading!
Writing 101: Day 3: one word imperation
The place
that is safe
The place
that is comforting
The place
that is warm
The place
where your love ones
Wait for you
The place
we call
Blogging 201: Day 1: three goals
- I would like to gain 200 followers by July 2016! I am almost half way there!
- I would like to get 100 copies of EACH of my books sold by July of 2016
- I would like to get an average of 500 visitors EACH month
I would like YOU, my reader, to help me reach these goals!
You can help me by:
Spreading the word about my blog and books to family and friends.
Encourage them to follow me on my blog facebook and twitter.
LEAVE REVIEWS on any of my books you may have read. It helps a lot!
You can start by getting my first poem book FREE today and leaving a review!
Get my first book FREE! Please leave a review too.
Please share, like and comment!
Happy reading!
Writing 101 Day 6: The space to write
So the two main places I most likely be writing at is at school and home.
At school I will mainly write in the library where there are small offices for students to sit down and do homework, Then there is what I am doing right now I am just at a small table outside my class I am waiting to let in.
At home, I mainly hide up in my room to write. I just sit on my bed with my laptop on my lap desk. I find it less distracting to be up in my room since everyone else is downstairs watching tv.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
My Poetry Through the Years: Book 2 Available for Pre-order!
In this book of poems, the main theme is change, summer and more. The reason behind these themes is, at the time of writing many of the poems are in the theme of life change. These poems let me reflect on the fact that I had just graduated high school and gotten my diploma. I was still a little in shock in the fact that I was done with high school and ready to jump into the real world.
The other theme of summer. At the time, of course, it was summer in Juneish. So I had to write on how hot it was and so on.
Then there are a few poems that do not go into the two main themes of change and summer. They are the miscellanies poems that I wrote when the inspiration came to me.
Now to the cover, I created the cover to represent new beginnings with the door nob. Which is a very important part of this book, change and new beginnings are part of our lives. It is normal to feel scared to what may come. This poem book helped me reflect on these changes. There will be a different cover for the other e-books and paperback. A friend of mine is designing for me. I will keep you updated on the cover design.
On another news is that I will have my first poetry book free from Monday, September 14- Friday, September 18th to celebrate the second book coming out.
If you are unsure of buying these book check out my sneak peeks!
My Poetry Through the Years Sneak Peek...
My Collection of Short Stories Sneak Peek...
My Poetry Through the Years: Book 2 sneak peek
To purchase all of my books click here.
Thank you for all your support and I hope you enjoy the new book!
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Happy Reading!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Friday Update!
So I am now working at a children's museum near me where I am on the floor engaging children to learn as they play. I am very excited to start work here since, I went to the museum as a child and I was volunteering a little bit before they had a flood. Flood?! You may say. Yes, a flood let me explain. In January, we had a few very cold days to the point that the museum was closed. Overnight the second day of being closed the main pipe broke and flooded all three floors of the museum. So that morning one of the workers came in and found that the place was flooded. Since, the museum had been under repair and made many improvements. When I received an email that they were going to start hiring I jump on the bandwagon and applied. I crossed my fingers for luck. I was asked to do an interview and did. Then, at the beginning of August I accepted the job. I have been going through training and will start a week from today.
I am very excited to be able to work in a very fun and inviting environment! Noting this, with working and school, I may not be able to blog as much as I would like. I hope to keep up with my Monday poetry and the Wednesday flash fiction. Though the podcast will not be able to do once a month. I hope to do them maybe every two or three months depending on my schedule. With this being said if I stop blogging for a month this is why and I will do my very best to put away time to blog.
I want to thank everyone for supporting me these last few months. I hope everyone will continue to support me as I make my schedule changes.
Like, share, comment, and subscribe!
Happy Reading!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
My Fourth Liebster Award!

- Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
- Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
- Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
- Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
- Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
- Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.
So I was nominated a while back the first time I got this award. Since then I have been nominated by josh iyer, kristina van hoose, and femininematerz. Thank you all for the nomination!
Questions from Kristina Van Hoose
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
I would be a seahorse because I have always thought them to be pretty cool.
If you could be a character in any book – or just be in any book – what character/book would you choose? Why?
This is hard...I have read a lot of really good books. But, it would have to be...Harry potter I have always dreamed of being a witch like Hermione.
What’s one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
To become a famous author
How long have you known your best friend?
Gosh, it has been a long time since elementary... I graduated high school this last may you can do the math.
What’s your favorite _______? You get to decide what favorite you write about. From colors to numbers to food to places. You decide.
My favorite stuff animal is my cubby bear.
What’s one book or blog you’d recommend that I read?
Harry Potter and My and my friend Josh's blog
Dogs, cats, both or neither?
What was your first job?
Basically babysitting but I have finally gotten my first part-time job and a children's museum near me!
What would you tell your childhood self?
Believe in yourself and enjoy being young.
Who is your biggest role model or hero?
Matt smith, J.k. Rowling and Rick Riordan
Wildcard: Ask yourself a question and answer it.
Questions from femininematerz
What was the most difficult job you ever did?
Do not know only have babysat and it is not too difficult.
If there is one thing you could change about yourself what would that be?
Nothing I believe I am just fine the way I am.
When you were growing up, did you think about becoming famous when you grow up?
I do and I still do. I want to be a famous author one day.
Name and share one song you listen to repeatedly and why?
I just listen to ka love on the radio.
Do you enjoy dancing or are you a wallflower?
I enjoy dancing. when I was young I took over a wedding dancing in the alley.
What is that one thing that always brings a smile to your face?
Everything makes me happy. I am a very happy person.
What is your favorite color?
What would you like as a surprise vacation?
Have you ever given much thought to the purpose of life?
To teach young minds and write to my hearts content
Do you believe in the existence of God?
Yes, I go to church and was raised in that kind of environment.
Have you ever volunteered for something?
yes. I have done Vacation Bible school multiple times. I usher during mass. I was volunteering at the children's museum that I now work for.
If you could meet one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Matt Smith- he was the eleventh Doctor on Doctor who.
What question would you most like to ask
Where in the world would you like to visit for the first time?
Paris and London
What is the simplest thing that makes you smile?
What would be your dream job?
To be a full-time, writer.
Who do you look up to or who inspires you?
other authors like J.K. rowling or rick ridden
What is your favorite month and why?
do not really have one.
What makes you angry?
When and where were you happiest?
every second of everyday.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Wednesday Flash Fiction at LAST!
So here is this week Flash Fiction!

“As her mount shifted uneasily under her, she grasped the brim of her old felt Stetson, gazed upwards and remembered Jean Pierre.”
“How did I get here?” she asked herself, looking around franticly.
“I do not remember anything. One second I was…” She said trying to think what she was doing before all of this happened.
“I don’t remember…I don’t remember!” She said ready to cry a river.
“What wrong?” a low voice man asked behind her. She tried to put herself together.
“O nothing… I thought I did not know where I was but, I do, I am in Paris.” She said turning around and smiling.
“O well if that is the case then I need you to come with me.” The man said pulling out a gun. She was in shock. Then other men came behind her and grabbed her arms.
“What are you doing? Let me go!” she screened and struggled to get out of the men’s arms.
“You are special Kim. You must be contained.”
I know it is a cliff hanger. Sorry, maybe one day you will be able to learn what happens.
Until next time!
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Happy Reading!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Monday Poetry: Smoke
you are thick
and grey
you make us
that are not
truly there
you are part of dreams
that we think are real
You can be deadly
to those around us
and to ourselves
when we can not
tell the difference
of reality
and fantasy
Writing 101 Day 2: write a list
This is today's assignment from writing 101.
Top 8 Things I like...
- My teddy bear named cubby bear
- young children, they always make me smile
- knit and crochet
- making handmade gifts
- blogging
- writing poems or short stories
- Doctor who ( British tv show)
- hanging out with my friend Josh and/ or Hope
What things do you like?
Comment, Share, Like and Subscribe!
Happy Reading!
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Writing 101 Day 1: I Write Because...
It allows me to express myself in a different way they just talking to a friend.
I write because...
I really enjoy doing it and allows me to let eliminate my stress though out or at the end of the day.
I write because...
It is who I am. I was always a bookworm. I LOVE SCI-Fi, FANTASY!!!!!!! I grow up with Harry Potter in my life and I has allowed me to be very creative and be a dreamer.
I write because...
My main dream is to become a famous writer.
I write because....
I CAN!!!
Check out my about page for more of my background.
Happy Reading!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
A new Nomination!

I was nominated by New Heart= New Beginnings
Thank you So Much!
The RULES of accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows:
- Acknowledge and thank the nominating blogger with a link to their website.
Share 11 random facts about myself by answering the questions the nominating blogger has created for me.
List 11 bloggers I believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love! (I can’t nominate the blogger who nominated me.)
Let the 11 bloggers know I nominated them.
Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate to answer.
The Questions from my nomination
Describe yourself in 4 words?
Cheerful, engaging, hard worker, and kind
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?
Paris/ London.
Are you a registered organ donor?
No I am not.
What do you call your happy place?
Here. where I can share what I am doing and new accomplishments.
What is your number 1 priority in your life today?
To become Financially stable.
Are you a political person?
Dog or cat?
Dog. I grow up with dogs. Do not have any now just two bunnies and a bird. When I move out I want to get a Yorkie
Favorite color?
Are you more comfortable dressing up or wearing comfy cloths?
Both I dress up occasionally and I will wear sweets and a hoodie in the winter.
Would you be able to be a public speaker?
I am working on it. I get really nerves when I do presentations in school. But I am taking a speech class this semester.
Last one, give a quick description of yourself?
I am a very cheerful person.
My Nominations
- Joshua Iyer from Music composition infomation
- Beth and Mick from Safe and sound
- Sarah from Prejudice & Politics
- Kathleen Clarke from Clarke Write
- andy townend
- Liz Bennefeld
- Ginni Deville
Here are my Questions
- What is your hobby? Other then blogging maybe.
- If you were to move tomorrow were would you go and why?
- If you could travel to anywhere where would you go and why?
- How would you describe yourself?
- What is your happy place?
- What was your favorite toy/stuff animal as a child?
- list five things on your bucket list and explain why?
- What is your dream job?
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- What legacy do you want to leave yourself before you leave?
- What is your favorite color?
Thank you New heart= New beginning for the nomination!
Congratulation to my Nominees!
Monday Poetry: Decisions
We make
Make us
who we are
Every moment
we choose
making friends,
saying "Yes"
running away,
joining the "wrong" group
These things make us
who we are
So this is this weeks prompt Decisions. I took the idea to describe what these choices mean to us.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
Until next time!