Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A new Nomination!


I was nominated by New Heart= New Beginnings

Thank you So Much!

The RULES of accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows:

  • Acknowledge and thank the nominating blogger with a link to their website.
    Share 11 random facts about myself by answering the questions the nominating blogger has created for me.
    List 11 bloggers I believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love! (I can’t nominate the blogger who nominated me.)
    Let the 11 bloggers know I nominated them.
    Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate to answer.

The Questions from my nomination

Describe yourself in 4 words?

Cheerful, engaging, hard worker, and kind

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?

Paris/ London.

Are you a registered organ donor?

No I am not.

What do you call your happy place?

Here. where I can share what I am doing and new accomplishments.

What is your number 1 priority in your life today?

To become Financially stable.

Are you a political person?


Dog or cat?

Dog. I grow up with dogs. Do not have any now just two bunnies and a bird. When I move out I want to get a Yorkie

Favorite color?


Are you more comfortable dressing up or wearing comfy cloths?

Both I dress up occasionally and I will wear sweets and a hoodie in the winter.

Would you be able to be a public speaker?

I am working on it. I get really nerves when I do presentations in school. But I am taking a speech class this semester.

Last one, give a quick description of yourself?

I am a very cheerful person.

My Nominations

  1. Joshua Iyer from Music composition infomation

  2. Beth and Mick from Safe and sound

  3. Sarah from  Prejudice & Politics

  4. Kathleen Clarke  from Clarke Write

  5. andy townend

  6. Liz Bennefeld

  7. Ginni Deville

Here are my Questions

  1. What is your hobby? Other then blogging maybe.

  2. If you were to move tomorrow were would you go and why?

  3. If you could travel to anywhere where would you go and why?

  4. How would you describe yourself?

  5. What is your happy place?

  6. What was your favorite toy/stuff animal as a child?

  7. list five things on your bucket list and explain why?

  8. What is your dream job?

  9. What is your favorite childhood memory?

  10. What legacy do you want to leave yourself before you leave?

  11. What is your favorite color?

Thank you New heart= New beginning for the nomination!

Congratulation to my Nominees!


  1. Congratulations Kaitlyn :)
    I liked reading your responses.
    Have a great time ahead. Cheers!
    Anand :)

  2. Hi, thanks for the nomination, I shall have a little think and use some weekend time for the write up :)

  3. take your time. congratulations! send me a link when you have it published. :)

  4. Thank you so much for this nomionation, that is very kind, I will try to respond as soon as I can!
