Monday, November 23, 2015

New Self-Publishing Resources

Hi, Everyone! I have been busy searching many different marketing services that I could use to promote my books. Earlier today, Amazon send me a newsletter and on the right-hand side I saw many new services Amazon has. I looked into all of them and now so excited that I want to share them with you and see if you would help me use these services.

  1. this is a new publishing service with Amazon where the readers are in control on which books get published. I think this could be an excellent opportunity for me to use for my novel that should come out this summer. Please check the site out and let me know if you would help me become published through this service.

  2. an audiobook self-publishing service. Where I can get an audiobook version of my book available on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. I think I will also try this service with my novel. Unless otherwise requested.

Please check out these sites and let me know what you like through commenting!

I would like to thank you all for the support and hope to write soon!




  1. Will you be posting anything about your novel? A synopsis? Excerpt? Something to help us decide if we'd buy/read it or not?

  2. LifeofaselfpublishedauthorNovember 24, 2015 at 5:02 AM

    I can total do that; the Kindle Scout does that too. The reader gets the first few pages of the book to read to decide if it is the next best novel. I think I'll do a post on the book closer to the release date that is this summer. Postible April or may I will do the post. Thank you for your question
