Thursday, October 1, 2015

New Home!

I have deleted my old site and so now all of my posts will be coming from this site.

Hopefully everyone has checked out my new site. It has the same layout but will some new added features.

If you have not yet, make sure you sign up for my newsletter where you get sneak peers on everything about my books.

Also, do not be shy and poke around a bit.




  1. Do you mind if I ask what host you have? I can't decide who I want to go with. Was the move easy? What made you decide to move?

  2. LifeofaselfpublishedauthorOctober 1, 2015 at 3:31 PM

    I did siteground and yes easy because they have people to transfer ur data over. I decided to switch because there were some Widgets I wanted to use but needed to be self-hosted. if you have anymore questions just email me. I can try to help.
