Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Poetry: Moment



a flash of time


a secont




The thing you

Can not look



You were

There now



So my inspiration is just what a moment is. Is it a second or more? It is something you can not take back. Hope you enjoy today's poem. See you Wednesday for flash fiction.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Here is a post of a fellow friend of mine. He is a composer and is going to college to become one. This is his about me post. He has many YouTube videos and recordings of his original music. Please check his site out. Enjoy!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Poetry 101 Rehab: FORWARD


Since you

have passed

I have been

going forward

Forward with my life

with publishing,

graduation and

my new job

My life has

become better


My heart has

a empty hole

since you


But I am moving


And can not

wait to see

you again!!

This is the poetry 101 rehab theme of the week. So I took the thought of moving forward and the idea of the passing of my grandma (nanna) and put it together. Hope you enjoy! If you want to join in the fun and write poems on Monday here is a link to the website.

Poetry 101 rehab website

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Friday, August 14, 2015

First Podcast episode!

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Hello everyone I am so excited to have published my first podcast!

In this podcast I tell you a bit about myself and my first two published books. I also answer a few question for you the readers. Just a heads up this is my very first podcast and it may get skippy a little because of where I cut a bit so just hold on I hope as I continue posting these they will become better. I would like to thank the readers who asked the questions for this podcast. I hope you enjoy this podcast! As I said at the end if you think of a question please comment on this post and you will hear it on the next podcast.


Happy Listening!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I Have Gotten Nominated!

Hi Everyone! I am proud to say I have gotten nominated for the Liebster Award. I was nominated from  . Thank you for the nomination!

The Liebster Award


Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

So here are the 11 questions asked by me to answer:

1/ Who or what inspired you to write books/blogs ?

Well I guess I did. My main dream is to become a best selling author. So when i found out that I could self-publish I had to do it so that is when My poetry through the years book was born. I also got the creativeness from my Grandma (nanna) who is the one who past a way a year a go this last Monday August 10th.  I created a special post for her called A Year After... If you want to check it out. Also my Great Aunt who is also a writer inspired me that I could write just like her. She has a blog too. Safe and Sound Blog

2/ If there is one event in world history you could change, what would it be ?

9/11 it was a tragic day for all of us in America. I was only in pre-school at the time and can only imagine the loss.

3/ Staying with world history, what is the time period you would most like to live in ?

The Renaissance era. My parents took me to the Bristol Renaissance Faire almost every year. I really enjoy it. I love the jousting show they do. The era just interest me in some way. It sparks a light in my eyes I do not understand why. I feel I connect to that era some how,

4/ If there is one sport you can excel at above all others, which would it be ?

archery, I am hoping to learn soon and I think it would be fun.

5/ If you could invite one of the worlds most famous philosophers to dine with you, who would it be ?

I have no idea I never learned about famous philosophers to really answer this question. If it was just a famous person I would say Matt Smith he is a British actor who played the eleventh doctor in Doctor who ( A British TV show that is my favorite and he is my favorite doctor from the show.)

6/ If you were a character in George Orwell's 'ANIMAL FARM' which one would you be ?

To be perfectly honest I never read the book so I have no idea.

7/ What is your all time favourite film ?

Harry Potter I grew up seeing all the movies and read every single book. I enjoy the last two Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2.

8/ What is your signature dish/favorite meal?

I Love pizza. My mom does not make a lot of homemade meals. Though I do Love the chili she makes without beans.

9/ What is your favorite poem?

My favorite poem I wrote is my first Cubbie Bear poem it is in My Poetry Through the Year. It was the first poem I wrote sophomore year of high school and I believe one of my best.

10/ what makes you a happy person ?

I really do not know I just enjoy life and do what I love. I usually always smile. I am just a naturally happy person.

11/ Where in the world (or out of it) would you most like to travel to?

I would LOVE to travel to Paris. I have always had an interest to Paris and the United Kingdom.

Here are my nominees!

First is Joshua Iyer, He is a young man who dreams to be a composer.. His blog show cases some of his recent achievements and works.

The second is Gabriella Franzone. Her blog is about music where she will do covers and talk about her favorite singers Austin Mahone and Becky G.

I think that is it I can not seem to find any more blogs. so here are my questions for my nominees!

  1. What inspired you to start blogging?

2. If you were able to move tomorrow to anywhere around the world where would you go and why?

3. what is your favorite book?

4. What time period would you like to live in? From the past or future.

5. who do you look up to?

6. What is your all time favorite movie?

7. What is your dream job?

8. what is your favorite meal?

9. What is your favorite stuff animal?

10. What was your favorite game to play as a kid? it can be a board game or pretend.

11. Why are you blogging?

Thank you for the nomination and congrats to the nominees!

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Wednesday Finish the Story

HI everyone! Hope your week is going well, here is my flash fiction. I have decided on doing the Monday finish the story but post it on Wednesday. That way I have all of Tuesday to write it up plus, I have my poem on Mondays so I wanted to have a even schedule to post. I have exciting news and it will be revealing in my next post! Enjoy the Flash Fiction!

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Ruins - © 2015, Barbara W. Beacham

Where did they go?” I asked Hope, my best friend, as I saw my little sis and her so called "boyfriend" running towards the giant rock. The rock was red and seemed to have a tunnel system that seemed to be two stories high.

"I have no idea." She said shrugging and shaking her head.

"Maybe we should silently follow them to find out?" I asked nodding my head in their general direction. Hope just shrugged and followed my lead. So we tip toed through the field. Staying far enough that they would not notice us. Then they went into one of the cave entrance. Hope and I waited a minute before following in after them. That is when I heard giggling. My heart was racing. Then I stopped suddenly. My arm raised to stop Hope. My eyes widen in shock.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Poetry Couldn't


Life is to hard

With out you

I couldn't dream

Life with out you

Life Couldn't

be the same

with out you

But I most

Press forward

With out


This poem is in memory of my nanna. If you read the post before this one today August 10 is the one year anniversary since she passed. The previous post will explain more about it.

Here is a link to it:

Please check out the post!

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Happy reading!

A Year After.....

Today marks the one year anniversary of my Nanna ( Grandma) passing. She was the best Nanna a grandchild could have. She would play her guitar and sing songs as I would dance when I was young. She was a fun Nanna. When she had to go live in a nursing home. We would visit on Sundays after going to church and having lunch. We would play games, watch the Chicago Cubs and just enjoy each other. We would even make extra visits for the fourth of July or during the Christmas holiday the nursing home would have people visit we would surprise her by showing up for it. Then, when my Aunt decided that it would be best for her to move closer to her I was devastated. So by that point we had to drive four and a half hours to see her. We would go every Thanksgiving, a few Easters and some birthdays.

A year a go today was when she passed quietly. She had to wait for her last Cubs win before she left and about one hour after Rizzo brought in the winning run and she heard her last GO CUBS GO! She was a huge cubs fan and wanted to see them win the world series. Though she did not get her world series win, I hope this is the year where I may go and enjoy the win in her place.

With her leaving I changed a lot. Over the school year I explored new options and enjoyed every minute of it. It. I published my first book My Poetry Through the Years, which the last poem is dedicated to her. I know she would of been very proud of me for publishing not just the poetry book but also the collection of short stories. She is proud of me for graduating too. But, overall she is proud that I have pressed forward and not back since she left. She did hear some of the poems in my book before passing. Mostly all the cubs poems. She enjoyed them. So here is a poem to reflect on this last year and how much I miss my Nanna.

Love never dies

You were there for me
At time of need
At time of happiness
At time of love

You were there for me
When I was young
Dancing to your music
We had our own saying
" see you later alligator
In a while crocodile. "
We had our own song
"You are my sunshine"
We had our fun
But now you are gone
But I live on in memory
Of you
My love will never die
For you
All I have done
This last year
Is for you
I know
You are proud
And you know what the
Future will bring
Go Cubs!
I Love you Nanna!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Update Friday August 7 2015

Hi Everyone! I just want to let you know that I am going to post the Monday finish the story on Wednesday. I get the prompt on Mondays that gives me all day Tuesday to type it all up were I can publish it on Wednesday. So I hope you enjoy next weeks flash fiction.

Also I am working on my podcast which will be done possibly end of August early September. I really excited about the podcast and can not wait to publish the first one. Also this will be that last few weeks to get My Poetry Through the Years eBook for free on nook, ibook, kobo and lulu. I will be raising the price to $.99 and keeping it there. I will do a promotional countdown on the poetry  book on kindle when my second poetry book comes out Mid-September. I am also excited to announce that i have a real part-time job! I have just accepted. I will let you know more once I know I am clear too. I am really excited and bless that I have found this job.

So other then Mondays being poetry day and Wednesday being flash fiction. Fridays will be my podcast or just a post like this on those Fridays that I have no podcast.

I would love to hear some more questions for the podcast so I can plan out episode two.

Thank you for being my readers.  You are the best in every way.

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Happy Reading!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Poetry


We are divided

With different beliefs

We are broken up

Into different



White, black, indian,

Gay, straight

Married or single.

Men or woman

Partitions are part

Of our lives

But why

Do we have

To be separated

Why not be


Let us stop

The partition

In our life




I had to look up this word "Partition" to understand what to write about. I believe that I understand and hope you enjoy this poem. I can not wait for next weeks theme!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Q&A questions

Hi everyone thank you for voting on what I should do in my podcast. Many said that I should use the podcast for events and upcoming events. So I plan to make these the main focus. But I also want to add an Q&A at the end of the podcast. So I want you to comment below on questions you would like me to answer in the podcast. I have already gotten two. What inspired me to self publish and what are my hobbies? I will answer every question as long as they are not repeats. So any question goes please keep it appreciate. If you can not think of any now that is OK. When you think of something please comment on this post.
Comment your questions below and you may hear the answer in one of my podcasts.
Happy questioning and listening!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Where will you be listening to the podcast?

Hi everyone! I want to thank everyone so far for doing the last two polls. I am hoping this will be the last one for a while. I wanted to know where you would like to listen to my podcast. So I have a poll for you to answer you are allowed to have more then one answer. This will let me know where I should upload my podcast to to get the most amount of view.  Thank you again for voting and I hope to have my first podcast up soon.

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