Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Monday Poetry: Odyssey

My odyssey
This last year
Has been a great adventure
With turning 18
I gained many responsibilities
Being able to do the lottery
Getting my license a month later
Publishing my first book
Then came my second book
Plus a blog with engaged readers
Then came my first podcast
Maybe someday more will come
I continued to blog with Monday poetry
By September I published my latest poetry book
As well as starting my first part-time job
Struggling to juggle School, work, and blogging
I try to continue Monday poetry
And occasionally have an update post
National Write a Novel Month
Brought great joy
With draft one done
Editing is just my future
In hopes to publish this summer
Now with 2015 coming to a close
And a new year full of great opportunities
I am excited to see what 2016 will bring for me!

Happy New Year!!!!!!
So this week prompt is Odyssey. So I did a reflective poem about what 2015 did for me. Which is a lot. This was my odyssey of 2015.
What is your 2015 odyssey?
Comment with your answer.
Maybe try it in a poem.
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Monday Poetry: Wrapping

Tis the Season

The time of year

When after eating

turkey, mash potatoes, corn and more

We rush to the store

To catch that Black Friday Sale!

Thou many of us forget the true meaning of


It is really not about what you receive

It is about celebrating with


Or giving to thus who may be able

to afford a wonderful Christmas otherwise

Let us all be thankful for what we have

and give

Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Honoka too!

So today's poem is on wrapping though the person who runs Poetry 101: Rehab said to write a poem about what this time of the year means to me. So that is what I was aiming for in this poem.

Hope you enjoyed this poem!

Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe!

Marry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!



If you enjoyed my poem click on the image above to check out others!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Poetry: Fallacy


There is  a world

that is different from ours

Where false statements are true

There is a world full of


witches, and wizards

A world that our dreams

Are true

Let your dreams run wild tonight!

This week's poem is on Fallacy. Though I may not have followed the theme. As I learned in speech class, Fallacy is a false statement of something. I also wanted to give everyone a heads up that I have updated My Poetry Through Years book on kindle. So please check for an update on it soon!

Happy Reading,


Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Poetry: Magic


The time of year

when things put a smile

on your face


a twinkle

in your eye

the magic of Christmas

Those who believe

and give

The Magic of Giving

So I finally got this week's poetry rehab's prompt of magic and wanted to make it describe the time of year we are in right now, coming close to Christmas. Where all the children believe in Santa and the magic of giving to those in need.

Marry Christmas,


Thursday, December 3, 2015

November Update

Hi, everyone! So last time I chatted with you I mentioned that I was doing National Write a Novel Month. Well, November has come and gone and I have finished my first draft! So now I am working my butt off, when I can find the time, to edit, edit, edit! In hopes to have this done within the next few months. Once I am done with this proses I want to offer you an opportunity to become a beta reader for me. What you will do is once I am happy with what I have edited and had a few of my closest friends read it. I want you to read it as well and let me know your thoughts on the novel. With doing so, you will get a free copy to read and give me your thoughts. Then once I am promoting for pre-order I will send you a free copy of the finished product. In hope, you would write a review on amazon. You can become my beta reader if you sign up for my newsletter! Within the coming months, I will be sending an email about this in more detail. So, I hope you will celebrate with me! On one draft done and many more to come!

