So many of you have voted on what I should do on Fridays about once a month. The winning option is podcast! So my next question is what would you like me to talk about in my podcast. I know I want to let you know on my latest book release and activities. But I need more to make it a good length podcast. Would it be fun to have the Q&A in the podcast? What other thoughts do you have? Also would you like my podcast be available on iTunes or just on SoundCloud and on posts.
Please Vote and leave comments bellow. This poll will only last today. You are allowed more then one answer.The only thing I can not do is guest speakers at least not for a while.
Also thank you to everyone who voted!
This helps me a lot!
[polldaddy poll=9005491]
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Last Chance to Vote!
Hi everyone! I want to thank everyone for voting. Today is the last day to vote. If you have not done so. So far it is really close. I will add the link to the post with the poll in this post for anyone who has not voted.
Thank you for all who already voted.
Thank you for all who already voted.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Happy Birthday Nanna!
Hello everyone I just wanted to put this post out for my nanna who passed away a year ago in August. I will have a special post for when the day comes. Though today would have been her 70th birthday. So I wanted to send out this post to celebrate what could have been her 70th birthday. To do this I have a poem to share.
The time to gather and
enjoy being together
To celebrate!
Today is
a birthday
my Nanna's
70th birthday!
I miss you!
The time to gather and
enjoy being together
To celebrate!
Today is
a birthday
my Nanna's
70th birthday!
I miss you!
Monday poetry: Connections
What are our connections?
And more
Post, and twit
We take photos
And videos
On the internet
What are your connections?
So this came to my mind when I heard "connections". Just the internet came to my heard really quickly. How my generation has been taken in by the internet. What are your thoughts? Maybe you should write your own poem.
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Happy Reading!
What are our connections?
And more
Post, and twit
We take photos
And videos
On the internet
What are your connections?
So this came to my mind when I heard "connections". Just the internet came to my heard really quickly. How my generation has been taken in by the internet. What are your thoughts? Maybe you should write your own poem.
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Happy Reading!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Monday flashfiction
Hi everyone! Sorry that this is late I realized the poetry event is not going so I found a new event for Mondays. This is an other flash fiction like Wednesday but I am given a picture and starter sentence and only need 100-150 words. So here is the flash fiction.

“He thought he found the perfect hiding spot.”
“I need to find a spot.” Oreo the bunny thought as he hoped around.
“6…7…” Kaitlyn, his owner, said counting out load. Her hands over her eyes.
“Where can I hind?” Oreo thought hoping around then came across a laundry basket.
“This is perfect.” Oreo said and hoped over to it. He then knocked it over and hide inside.
“Kaitlyn will never find me.” Oreo said so proud of himself.
“8…9…10. Here or not. Here I come!” Kaitlyn yelled. She opened her eyes and started to search for Oreo.
“Oreo where are you?” Kaitlyn said. Oreo just giggled.
“She will never find me under here.” He said while giggling. Then he stopped because he heard Kaitlyn’s footsteps.
Kaitlyn walked around the corner and saw that Oreo was hiding under the laundry basket next to her dresser in her bedroom.
“Found you!” She yelled as she pulled up the basket.
Hope you enjoyed this flash fiction!
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“He thought he found the perfect hiding spot.”
“I need to find a spot.” Oreo the bunny thought as he hoped around.
“6…7…” Kaitlyn, his owner, said counting out load. Her hands over her eyes.
“Where can I hind?” Oreo thought hoping around then came across a laundry basket.
“This is perfect.” Oreo said and hoped over to it. He then knocked it over and hide inside.
“Kaitlyn will never find me.” Oreo said so proud of himself.
“8…9…10. Here or not. Here I come!” Kaitlyn yelled. She opened her eyes and started to search for Oreo.
“Oreo where are you?” Kaitlyn said. Oreo just giggled.
“She will never find me under here.” He said while giggling. Then he stopped because he heard Kaitlyn’s footsteps.
Kaitlyn walked around the corner and saw that Oreo was hiding under the laundry basket next to her dresser in her bedroom.
“Found you!” She yelled as she pulled up the basket.
Hope you enjoyed this flash fiction!
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Saturday, July 25, 2015
What should I do on Fridays
Hi Everyone! I have a question for all of you. Would you like to see a normal post on Fridays? I plan to have posts on Monday and Wednesday. One will be a poem and the other a flash fiction from two events I joined. I am wondering if I should do something on Friday too. I have a poll for you guys to answer honestly on what you would like to see on Fridays. There are three options: one a podcast once a month on what I have done and plan to do the following month. A Q&A post where your questions you leave on comments from my post will be answered about once a month. Or you say other and comment your idea of what I should do. This poll will last a week and you are only allowed one vote.
Please vote. It will help me give what you want to see.
Thank you,
Kaitlyn Franzone
[polldaddy poll=8996428]
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Poem: Habit 2
I wake up every morning
To the sounud of my alarm
not wanting to get out
of bed
I mon
Finally rolling out of bed
I pick out my outfit
For the day
Grabbing my phone and computer
I run downstairs
grabbing breakfast
Looking in the mirror
Packing everything up
"I am leaving!" I yell walking out
the door
I am off to school.
This is a newer version of my first poem. The original is the post before this one. I believe this is a bit better because it expresses a thought. This was my morning routine. When I was at school. Though I have graduated, I am going to college and will be driving to and from. So this will be my habit when school starts again in August.
Please comment, like, share and follow!
Happy reading!
To the sounud of my alarm
not wanting to get out
of bed
I mon
Finally rolling out of bed
I pick out my outfit
For the day
Grabbing my phone and computer
I run downstairs
grabbing breakfast
Looking in the mirror
Packing everything up
"I am leaving!" I yell walking out
the door
I am off to school.
This is a newer version of my first poem. The original is the post before this one. I believe this is a bit better because it expresses a thought. This was my morning routine. When I was at school. Though I have graduated, I am going to college and will be driving to and from. So this will be my habit when school starts again in August.
Please comment, like, share and follow!
Happy reading!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Poem: Habit
The thing you
do each day.
Some good and bad
The good
work, and school
They keep you busy
make you think
The bad
drugs, drinking and more
what you not
want to do to yourself
Habits come in all different
kinds of sizes
What is your habit?
This is a poem I wrote just now I found a fun community that gives you a prompt and you are to write a poem on it so this is the one from Monday. So this would be a Monday thing hope you enjoy!
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Happy Reading!
The thing you
do each day.
Some good and bad
The good
work, and school
They keep you busy
make you think
The bad
drugs, drinking and more
what you not
want to do to yourself
Habits come in all different
kinds of sizes
What is your habit?
This is a poem I wrote just now I found a fun community that gives you a prompt and you are to write a poem on it so this is the one from Monday. So this would be a Monday thing hope you enjoy!
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Happy Reading!
What My writing would have to accomplish to consider myself a true success?
The simple answer would be money. Thou, I think it is more than just the money. I want to be someone in the writing community. I want to be a one of the best-selling authors or be known like them. I want to be on Good Morning America or the Today Show. I want to be interviewed about my books and prompt them. I one day want one of my books to become a movie where my boy friend writes the music for it. I want to have awesome fans that dress up as my characters. I want a theme pack designed off my books. Thou, making the money and going to schools. Just small things would be fun too. Been able to inspire others to write would make me feel like a true success.
What is your true success?
Comment, post and like!
Happy Reading and Writing!
What is your true success?
Comment, post and like!
Happy Reading and Writing!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Get My First Two Books Now!
Hello everyone! I am happy to say that my first poem book is free on iBook and kobo! It will soon be free on amazon's kindle and nook. Also my second book My Collection of Short Stories is now only $2.99 on iBook. That will soon be the price for also kobo, nook and amazon's kindle. With my second poem book coming out mid-August or early September. This is a great opportunity for you to check out my first two and enjoy them before my next book comes out.
Please check out my books and if you do enjoy them rate them and comment from where you got the book. It would help a lot.
My Poetry Through the Years:
Kindle Will only be free for five days and will be closer to the second poetry book release date. I will keep you updated on when it will become free.
My Collection of Short Stories:
Also for both books you can download an epub from at the sale price!
My Author spotlight page and books!
Some websites have not updated to the new price please be patient and check back maybe in a week to see if it has updated. If it still has not updated please let me know.
Happy Reading!
Please check out my books and if you do enjoy them rate them and comment from where you got the book. It would help a lot.
My Poetry Through the Years:
Kindle Will only be free for five days and will be closer to the second poetry book release date. I will keep you updated on when it will become free.
My Collection of Short Stories:
Also for both books you can download an epub from at the sale price!
My Author spotlight page and books!
Some websites have not updated to the new price please be patient and check back maybe in a week to see if it has updated. If it still has not updated please let me know.
Happy Reading!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
The Heat is On- Prompt from The Daily Post
Do you thrive under pressure or crumble at the thought of it? Does your best stuff surface as the deadline approaches or do you need to iterate, day after day to achieve something you're proud of? Tell us how you work best."
Well... When I write creatively, My poems, short stories, or novels, the ideas just come to me or as I am writing I get the buzz. But when it is essays or papers for school I tend to wait until last minute to write it and I flunk very badly at it. I am a creative writer not a article, paper writer. I tend to let my feelings take over and just let my thoughts go down on paper. I do not like research and other papers you have to write for English class. I tend to not be able to say what I want to say for the papers. Even though I have the organization down. I have trouble sometimes letting my thoughts out and writing them on paper.
In conclusion, I am for my creative side I go day by day to achieve something I am proud of. For school I tend to wait the last day and struggle to do a good job writing the paper.
How do you work best?
Reply bellow!
Happy Reading!
I am on Goodreads!
Hello everyone! I wanted to let everyone know that I am now on Goodreads and my first book My Poetry Through the Years is there too. It would be awesome for everyone to check it out! I have also synced this blog to my author page. I would really appreciate if you check me out on Goodreads and follow or leave reviews if you have read the book. Also pass the word around!
click to check out my Goodreads profile!
I will also be adding a widget on this blog for Goodreads.
Happy Reading!
click to check out my Goodreads profile!
I will also be adding a widget on this blog for Goodreads.
Happy Reading!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Blogging 101 Day 10- My Blog Roll
Hello everyone! My assignment today from blogging 101 was to add a list of blogs I enjoy reading from. Where you may check them out and enjoy them too. So on on the right hand side right after my sneak peeks is where you will find four great blogs. These four blogs have great resources and update at least once a week. They inspire me to write what I can and I enjoy getting updates.
Please check the blogs out!
I will be switching them out, but not sure when.
If you have any questions or comments, please reply bellow
Please check the blogs out!
I will be switching them out, but not sure when.
If you have any questions or comments, please reply bellow
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Be Inspired By a Fellow Blogger!
Hello everyone! Yesterday my mission was to comment on new blogs. I saw many blogs but, some had no option to comment. So the one blog I commented on was Fast Pencil: Self-Publishing blog. The post that I read was four small things you can do to promote your book send a press release. I thought this post was very inspiring and very informational. The idea of not needing a blog to promote your book interest me. The fact that I could summit a press release, gain some reader and I get my name out in my community was intriguing. I think I may try this once my novel takes shape and is closer to being published. Check out the blog if you are wanting to get published and need to promote your book.
Happy reading!
Happy reading!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
New Design and Widgets
Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting every Monday. I have been busy with the blogging101 class I signed up for to gain more knowledge on blogging. I also have a possible part-time job in my favor. I will keep you updated on that. But I wanting to write a post about the new changes to my blog I made so you guys can check it out. So I ended up changing the whole theme to my blog where I have gotten comments like "It look cleaner and I like the arrows on the side for the menu." I also added two widgets to free samples of my short stories and poems from my books. You can view and read them please do not download them you can favorite but, do not download. I believe you will enjoy the poems and short stories I choose and may look into purchasing the books with many more stories and poems for you to enjoy. Please check out the latest layout changes and free samples and leave comments or go to my contact page and email me directly if you have a personal question or comment.
Enjoy the new blog!
Happy Reading!
Enjoy the new blog!
Happy Reading!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
How to Self Publish a Poem book
Hello everyone! I got a question from bethfinkie about what is the processes in publishing a poetry book. So here it goes!
1. when I wanted to publish my first book I was googling a lot. I was looking for a website that would allow me to published at no charge. I also used YouTube to watch videos on other people using the site and their thoughts. Once I learned about amazon's direct publishing e-book I decided to try it out.
Also when I wanted to find a site to do print I found to be the easiest and cheapest opposition. They do offer professional service but I went with the free-Do it your self- opposition. I also found out that they do free e-books too. Were I am not just available on amazon, but also, nook, ibook, and kobo. So through Lulu I am on more e-book platforms. That was a plus for me! I felt limited with amazon.
2. Formatting
When I found out that i could directly publish to kindle, I found what the formatting is for making an e-book. I found that you just need to have heading for each poem and create a table of contestant. I was using Microsoft word for all of this.
For lulu I needed the same things but there was a minimum of 32 pages that I had to do for the paper copy. Also I believe for e-book to but it may not matter for eBook.
3. Choosing poems
So for the first book I had already all the poems written. So all I needed to do was take all the poems and sort them where they were kinda put together by topic.
For the second one I had a few poems that did not make it to the first book so I put them in this one and since I have to have about 32 pages for my book on lulu I continued writing when an idea came to me and just added it to the book. When I finally reached the 32 page minimum I was ready to start editing and double checking formatting. After all that I was ready to upload.
4. uploading
This step was pretty simple since you just fill out what ether kindle or lulu wanted. The title, author name, rights, description, price, cover and uploading the file of the book. It is very simple to do. For the first two book I just went through the processes and done! But for my second poem book I am having one of my best friends who is an artist design the cover for the book. That is why it is not up yet. I did not like to chooses for the covers when you just go through the steps. So I decided I need a nicer cover. Hopefully soon I will be able to show everyone the cover for the book.
5. Submitting
So after you have done all the steps to upload your book. You wait about 24-48 hour for amazon to put it up. For lulu it may take a month or more. They have to review your book. Then kindle,nook, iBook and kobo review the book. If they accept it you will find it up on their website in about a month.
I hope this helps! Anyone wanting to self-publish I would use since they can sent your eBook to all the different providers.
If you have anymore question or comments. Please ask!
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Happy reading!
1. when I wanted to publish my first book I was googling a lot. I was looking for a website that would allow me to published at no charge. I also used YouTube to watch videos on other people using the site and their thoughts. Once I learned about amazon's direct publishing e-book I decided to try it out.
Also when I wanted to find a site to do print I found to be the easiest and cheapest opposition. They do offer professional service but I went with the free-Do it your self- opposition. I also found out that they do free e-books too. Were I am not just available on amazon, but also, nook, ibook, and kobo. So through Lulu I am on more e-book platforms. That was a plus for me! I felt limited with amazon.
2. Formatting
When I found out that i could directly publish to kindle, I found what the formatting is for making an e-book. I found that you just need to have heading for each poem and create a table of contestant. I was using Microsoft word for all of this.
For lulu I needed the same things but there was a minimum of 32 pages that I had to do for the paper copy. Also I believe for e-book to but it may not matter for eBook.
3. Choosing poems
So for the first book I had already all the poems written. So all I needed to do was take all the poems and sort them where they were kinda put together by topic.
For the second one I had a few poems that did not make it to the first book so I put them in this one and since I have to have about 32 pages for my book on lulu I continued writing when an idea came to me and just added it to the book. When I finally reached the 32 page minimum I was ready to start editing and double checking formatting. After all that I was ready to upload.
4. uploading
This step was pretty simple since you just fill out what ether kindle or lulu wanted. The title, author name, rights, description, price, cover and uploading the file of the book. It is very simple to do. For the first two book I just went through the processes and done! But for my second poem book I am having one of my best friends who is an artist design the cover for the book. That is why it is not up yet. I did not like to chooses for the covers when you just go through the steps. So I decided I need a nicer cover. Hopefully soon I will be able to show everyone the cover for the book.
5. Submitting
So after you have done all the steps to upload your book. You wait about 24-48 hour for amazon to put it up. For lulu it may take a month or more. They have to review your book. Then kindle,nook, iBook and kobo review the book. If they accept it you will find it up on their website in about a month.
I hope this helps! Anyone wanting to self-publish I would use since they can sent your eBook to all the different providers.
If you have anymore question or comments. Please ask!
Link, comment and subscribe!
Happy reading!
Update on new covers for e-book
Hi Everyone as of right now nook has the updated version of my e-book covers! Kobo also have the updated version for My Poetry Through the Years e-book cover. Still waiting for amazon. I am not sure about Ibook. If someone can check that out for me that would be great!

Above are the new covers! Please check out the books and if you have the ability to go onto ibook just search Kaitlyn Franzone and they will pop up and comment if they are the new covers or not.
Thanks everyone if you want to know more on why I changed the covers there is a past post called Backstory on my book covers that have the details there.
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Happy Reading!
Above are the new covers! Please check out the books and if you have the ability to go onto ibook just search Kaitlyn Franzone and they will pop up and comment if they are the new covers or not.
Thanks everyone if you want to know more on why I changed the covers there is a past post called Backstory on my book covers that have the details there.
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Happy Reading!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Coming Soon to a e-book store near you!
I am proud to announced that my second poetry book will be available on all e-book devices including: kindle, nook, ibook, and kobo. The finishing touches are in the final stages. I am hoping the book will be up and running in a month or soon.
This book contains many more great poems. The main theme in this book is change, new beginnings. The reason is the fact that I had just graduated from high school. It is a big accomplishment for me. So a good portion of these poems are just my reflection on that accomplishment. There are also others like fandom, sports and summer.
I soon will have more info on this wonderful book. When it will be available, a sneak peek of the book and the awesome book cover!!!!!
Stay tune and comment if you have any more questions.
This book contains many more great poems. The main theme in this book is change, new beginnings. The reason is the fact that I had just graduated from high school. It is a big accomplishment for me. So a good portion of these poems are just my reflection on that accomplishment. There are also others like fandom, sports and summer.
I soon will have more info on this wonderful book. When it will be available, a sneak peek of the book and the awesome book cover!!!!!
Stay tune and comment if you have any more questions.
Monday, July 6, 2015
The Fourth at the Zoo!
Happy fourth everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed the fireworks and your family and friends. So for my fourth we saw the fireworks on the third and then went to the zoo to see a light show! Here are photos of many of the animals I saw at the zoo.

The picture above is the American bison. There were about three of them at the time I went to the zoo. There was a baby and it's parents I am not sure which one is photoed above. Fun Fact: The bison's thick, shaggy coat is so well insulated that snow can settle on its back without melting

The next two above are the polar bears. Fun fact: A polar bear's fur is not white!! It is hollow. The fur reflects light. The hollow fur also traps the suns heat to help keep the polar bear warm

Above is the grizzly bear. Fun fact: Grizzly bear have brown fur, but hairs on the shoulders and back have white tops which give them "grizzled" look. That is why they are known as grizzly bears.

These seagulls have injured wings. So the Zoo takes care of them and feeds them 2,000lbs of fish each day! That is a lot of fish!

The above picture are the True black and white clown fish. though many people may only know about the orange and white striped clown fish. If you have seen finding nemo, You also may recognize the next fish as well.

This fish also from Finding Nemo! Known as Dory is a regal blue tang. This fish with its blue and black body with a yellow and a little black on the sides is a very playful and fun fish.

The picture above is an giraffe. This one looks like the younger one of the many I saw at the zoo. There were many of them there and I believe this one is the baby of them.

Last but not least here are the penguins. These guys were swimming and laying around when I was there. They seemed to be chilling a bit. The penguins are one of my favorite animals to see at the zoo.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
If you want to see more pictures from my trip
Like, and comment.
Also what is your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
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Happy reading!
The picture above is the American bison. There were about three of them at the time I went to the zoo. There was a baby and it's parents I am not sure which one is photoed above. Fun Fact: The bison's thick, shaggy coat is so well insulated that snow can settle on its back without melting
The next two above are the polar bears. Fun fact: A polar bear's fur is not white!! It is hollow. The fur reflects light. The hollow fur also traps the suns heat to help keep the polar bear warm
Above is the grizzly bear. Fun fact: Grizzly bear have brown fur, but hairs on the shoulders and back have white tops which give them "grizzled" look. That is why they are known as grizzly bears.
These seagulls have injured wings. So the Zoo takes care of them and feeds them 2,000lbs of fish each day! That is a lot of fish!
The above picture are the True black and white clown fish. though many people may only know about the orange and white striped clown fish. If you have seen finding nemo, You also may recognize the next fish as well.
This fish also from Finding Nemo! Known as Dory is a regal blue tang. This fish with its blue and black body with a yellow and a little black on the sides is a very playful and fun fish.
The picture above is an giraffe. This one looks like the younger one of the many I saw at the zoo. There were many of them there and I believe this one is the baby of them.
Last but not least here are the penguins. These guys were swimming and laying around when I was there. They seemed to be chilling a bit. The penguins are one of my favorite animals to see at the zoo.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
If you want to see more pictures from my trip
Like, and comment.
Also what is your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
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Happy reading!
My Hobbies Other Than Writing.
All thou, I told you my background in starting this blog and becoming an author. I have many other things I do when I do not have inspiration to write.
The first hobby is knitting and crocheting I took this up freshmen year of high school. I did it because i wanted to learn and it help me relieve stress. I have made blankets, stuff animals, dishcloths, hats, scarves, booties, bag and so much more. My mom, sister and I even started an esty business. If you want to check it out I will add the link at the end of the blog.
I also enjoy being around younger children. I did the preschool class at my high school were once a week with other fellow students I got to teach the preschoolers a lesson. I really enjoy the class and the class showed me that teaching would be a great career for me too.
The only "job" I have had and still do is babysit. I have been babysitting since I was in middle school. So about six years. I have watched many ages from toddlers to ten year old. I enjoy children they seem to have an imagination and it allows me to be a child again too.
I enjoy doing all these things and hope that blogging will be added too.
What is your hobby? or have a question about mine?
Leave your comments down bellow!
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Happy reading!
The first hobby is knitting and crocheting I took this up freshmen year of high school. I did it because i wanted to learn and it help me relieve stress. I have made blankets, stuff animals, dishcloths, hats, scarves, booties, bag and so much more. My mom, sister and I even started an esty business. If you want to check it out I will add the link at the end of the blog.
I also enjoy being around younger children. I did the preschool class at my high school were once a week with other fellow students I got to teach the preschoolers a lesson. I really enjoy the class and the class showed me that teaching would be a great career for me too.
The only "job" I have had and still do is babysit. I have been babysitting since I was in middle school. So about six years. I have watched many ages from toddlers to ten year old. I enjoy children they seem to have an imagination and it allows me to be a child again too.
I enjoy doing all these things and hope that blogging will be added too.
What is your hobby? or have a question about mine?
Leave your comments down bellow!
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Happy reading!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
My name is Kaitlyn. I just started blogging for the reason it was suggested to me by an expert. I also thought it would be a great idea because my aunt is an children's author and has her own blog. I want to blog to get my name out there and sell the two all ready published books. I am hoping by doing this I will gain more readers and that way when I published more books I have readers to sell to.
My background is I grow up in the Chicago land area. I just graduated from high school and plan to go to a community college near me. The college works with a nice university and I plan to finish to become an elementary teacher. I plan to teach and do writing on the side and when my writing successes then I will become a full-time writer. My writing is very creative I am working on a mystery for teens and young adult. I also have the two books that are published. They are the poetry and the short stories books.
I decided to become a writer the summer into sixth grade. I had been writing a bit in mainly fourth and fifth grade. I just writing to pass the time at recess. By the time I got to sixth grade I had been written here and letting my thoughts inspire me. I ended up in seventh and eighth grade putting two different pieces in the young author's contest that my school had. I did not get first place but a lot of my teachers like my work that I felt like it was my calling. So sophomore year of high school I signed up for the creative writing class the school offered. I enjoyed it so much I signed up for creative writing II for senior year, plus I signed up for a poetry class were I experience more poems.
Those classes lead to the two books all ready published and inspired me that this is my over all dream to become a writer and inspire young minds to read and maybe become a writer too.
I hope you gained an understanding why I am here and my goals.
Please share, like and comment bellow!
Check out my Wattpad I have fan fictions and previews of my books!
Happy reading!
My background is I grow up in the Chicago land area. I just graduated from high school and plan to go to a community college near me. The college works with a nice university and I plan to finish to become an elementary teacher. I plan to teach and do writing on the side and when my writing successes then I will become a full-time writer. My writing is very creative I am working on a mystery for teens and young adult. I also have the two books that are published. They are the poetry and the short stories books.
I decided to become a writer the summer into sixth grade. I had been writing a bit in mainly fourth and fifth grade. I just writing to pass the time at recess. By the time I got to sixth grade I had been written here and letting my thoughts inspire me. I ended up in seventh and eighth grade putting two different pieces in the young author's contest that my school had. I did not get first place but a lot of my teachers like my work that I felt like it was my calling. So sophomore year of high school I signed up for the creative writing class the school offered. I enjoyed it so much I signed up for creative writing II for senior year, plus I signed up for a poetry class were I experience more poems.
Those classes lead to the two books all ready published and inspired me that this is my over all dream to become a writer and inspire young minds to read and maybe become a writer too.
I hope you gained an understanding why I am here and my goals.
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Happy reading!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Deep dish pizza yum
The Chicago's best pizza. The Chicago style deep dish from Giordano's. You can never go wrong with having Girodano's pizza. We decide to have some last night. The picture above it one of my slices of the pizza. It was really good. The cheese was very chewy and though we ordered sausage I did not notice it.
Have you tried the Chicago style stuffed pizza?
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Happy reading!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Happy 4th of July
Hi! everyone thought I should blog about the fourth even though it is the second. But I plan to have picture of the awesome fireworks in the next post. : )
What are your plans for tomorrow/ Saturday? Are the cities by you doing their fireworks on Friday or Saturday? Are you going to turn on that grill with friends or family? Or relax?
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What are your plans for tomorrow/ Saturday? Are the cities by you doing their fireworks on Friday or Saturday? Are you going to turn on that grill with friends or family? Or relax?
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