Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday flashfiction

Hi everyone! Sorry that this is late I realized the poetry event is not going so I found a new event for Mondays. This is an other flash fiction like Wednesday but I am given a picture and starter sentence and only need 100-150 words. So here is the flash fiction.

© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham

“He thought he found the perfect hiding spot.”


“I need to find a spot.” Oreo the bunny thought as he hoped around.

“6…7…” Kaitlyn, his owner, said counting out load. Her hands over her eyes.

“Where can I hind?” Oreo thought hoping around then came across a laundry basket.

“This is perfect.” Oreo said and hoped over to it. He then knocked it over and hide inside.

“Kaitlyn will never find me.” Oreo said so proud of himself.

“8…9…10. Here or not. Here I come!” Kaitlyn yelled. She opened her eyes and started to search for Oreo.

“Oreo where are you?” Kaitlyn said. Oreo just giggled.

“She will never find me under here.” He said while giggling. Then he stopped because he heard Kaitlyn’s footsteps.

Kaitlyn walked around the corner and saw that Oreo was hiding under the laundry basket next to her dresser in her bedroom.

“Found you!” She yelled as she pulled up the basket.

Hope you enjoyed this flash fiction!

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  1. A lovely story of a game of hide and seek. Nicely done Kaitlyn! I am glad that you found the Mondays Finish the Story challenge and I hope that you come back again! Be well... ^..^

  2. Animals must get fed up of it all. Like humans, they can only take so much.
    Sweet little story!
