Sunday, July 5, 2015


My name is Kaitlyn. I just started blogging for the reason it was suggested to me by an expert. I also thought it would be a great idea because my aunt is an children's author and has her own blog. I want to blog to get my name out there and sell the two all ready published books. I am hoping by doing this I will gain more readers and that way when I published more books I have readers to sell to.

My background is I grow up in the Chicago land area. I just graduated from high school and plan to go to a community college near me. The college works with a nice university and I plan to finish to become an elementary teacher. I plan to teach and do writing on the side and when my writing successes then I will become a full-time writer. My writing is very creative I am working on a mystery for teens and young adult. I also have the two books that are published. They are the poetry and the short stories books.

I decided to become a writer the summer into sixth grade. I had been writing a bit in mainly fourth and fifth grade. I just writing to pass the time at recess. By the time I got to sixth grade I had been written here and letting my thoughts inspire me. I ended up in seventh and eighth grade putting two different pieces in the young author's contest that my school had. I did not get first place but a lot of my teachers like my work that I felt like it was my calling. So sophomore year of high school I signed up for the creative writing class the school offered. I enjoyed it so much I signed up for creative writing II for senior year, plus I signed up for a poetry class were I experience more poems.

Those classes lead to the two books all ready published and inspired me that this is my over all dream to become a writer and inspire young minds to read and maybe become a writer too.

I hope you  gained an understanding why I am here and my goals.

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Check out my Wattpad I have fan fictions and previews of my books!

Happy reading!